Arduino Devices

Innovate, Create, and Inspire: Your Gateway to Arduino Projects.

  • First One

    NodeMCU ESP8266

    Embark on a journey of limitless possibilities with NodeMCU ESP8266. From home automation to IoT applications, this versatile microcontroller empowers you to connect, create, and control your world like never before.

  • second one

    DHT11 Sensor Module

    Designed to measure temperature and humidity with accuracy and reliability, this versatile sensor opens up possibilities for climate monitoring, and weather forecasting projects.

  • fourth muscle

    OLED 4pin Display

    Whether you're designing a smartwatch, IoT device, or simply adding visual feedback to your projects, the OLED 4Pin module delivers stunning clarity and flexibility.

  • training fifth

    Ultrasonic Sensor Module

    This cutting-edge technology utilizes sound waves to measure distances with remarkable precision, enabling a myriad of applications in robotics, automotive safety, and smart infrastructure.

Download Links

Unleash Your Inner Maker: Start Your Arduino Projects Journey Today!

  • First One

    Arduino Software x64

    With Arduino Software interface and library of code examples, Arduino Software empowers students, and professionals alike to explore electronics and programming with confidence.

  • second one

    USB Driver - NodeMCU Type 2 CH341

    Installing the digital highway: Setting up the USB driver for seamless connectivity. Embrace the journey of configuration, where precision meets compatibility.

  • fourth muscle

    USB Driver - NodeMCU Type 1 (Recommended) CH340

    Installing the digital highway: Setting up the USB driver for seamless connectivity. Embrace the journey of configuration, where precision meets compatibility.

  • training fifth

    USB Driver - NodeMCU Type 3

    Installing the digital highway: Setting up the USB driver for seamless connectivity. Embrace the journey of configuration, where precision meets compatibility.


IOT Projects

Transform Your Ideas into Reality: Discover Arduino Projects Galore!

01. Setting-Up Arduino Software

Step 1

Go to Device Manager using Windows search or like the below image

Step 2

Identify the COM Port from Device Manager

Step 3

Node MCU ESP 8266 Additional boards Manager URL:

Step 4

Let's Install Our NodeMCU ESP8266 Board

Step 5

Search "esp8266" on Search Bar and Install it.

Step 6

After Downloading, Select the NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)

Step 7

Now your NodeMCU Board is Selected.

Step 8

Now your COM Port is Selected.

02. LED Blink Practical

LED Blink Practical with NodeMCU

View LED Blink Testing Code Here.


03. LED Knight Rider Practical

LED Knight Rider Practical with NodeMCU

View LED Knight Rider Testing Code Here.


04. OLED Display Testing

4 Pins OLED - Connection with NodeMCU

View 4 Pins OLED Testing Code Here.

"Adafruit ssd1306"
"Adafruit BusIo"
"Adafruit Gfx Library"


7 Pins OLED - Connection with NodeMCU

View 7 Pins OLED Testing Code Here.

"Adafruit ssd1306"
"Adafruit BusIo"
"Adafruit Gfx Library"


05. Temperature Sensor Practical

Simple Weather Widget Using Node MCU, OLED and DHT11
4 Pins

View Temperature Sensor 4 Pin Project Code Here.

"DHT Sensor Library"
"Adafruit Unified"


Simple Weather Widget Using Node MCU, OLED and DHT11
7 Pins

View Temperature Sensor 7 Pin Project Code Here.

"DHT Sensor Library"
"Adafruit Unified"


Temperature Controlled Fan Using Node MCU, Relay, Fan and LM35

View Temperature Controlled Fan Project Code Here.


06. Ultrasonic Sensor Practical

Distance Calculator Using Node MCU, OLED and Ultrasonic Sensor module
4 Pins

View Ultrasonic Sensor 4 Pin Project Code Here.


Distance Calculator Using Node MCU, OLED and Ultrasonic Sensor module
7 Pins

View Ultrasonic Sensor 7 Pin Project Code Here.


07. OLED Clock Practical

Digital Clock (Online Time/Date) Using Node MCU, and OLED
4 Pins

View OLED Clock 4 Pin Project Code Here.

"NTPClient Library"


Digital Clock (Online Time/Date) Using Node MCU, and OLED
7 Pins

View OLED Clock 7 Pin Project Code Here.

"NTPClient Library"


Analog Clock (Online Time/Date) Using Node MCU, and OLED
4 Pins

View OLED Clock 4 Pin Project Code Here.

"NTPClient Library"


08. Soil Moisture Sensor Practical

Soil Moisture Sensor Using Node MCU

View Soil Moisture Sensor Project Code Here.


09. Smoke Sensor Alarm Practical

Smoke Sensor Alarm Using Node MCU

View Smoke Sensor Alarm Project Code Here.


10. Blynk IOT Practical

Simple LED Control With Blynk, Relay Module and NodeMCU Esp8266

View Blynk Project Code Here.

"Blynk Library"
"Blynk NCP Driver"


Setting Up Blynk Account & Uploading Code to NodeMCU

Setting Up Blynk Mobile App